Anyway, Preecha (a fellow Thai colleague) left Algeria for good on 04-04-07. And a night before he departed, we had a little farewell party at his home. During which, he taught SOMETHING and myself to whip up some Thai dishes. It was kinda like his way of telling us he appreciates our friendship if you know what I mean.
Check out what SOMETHING is doing! He's taking pictures even while he's cooking! *hahaha*

Lately, I've been kinda caught up with the whole bombing woo-haa in North Africa.
Yes. You guessed it. I was present in both Algiers & Casablanca when the bombings happened. So much so that we (the bunch of expats) started to joke that we might somehow have something to do with the bombings. *duh*
Anyhow, other than the longer waiting time for checks before we are able to get to the airports. We're pretty much unaffected by the whole bombing saga... for now that is.
I finally arrived at Beirut-Lebanon yesterday evening, after 6 months of waiting for my working visa to be approved. I'm really thrilled to be in Beirut. I'm so looking forward to all the pubbing, clubbing, movies, shopping, mega-malls, etc etc... basically CIVILIZATION!
*wOo hOO oo~O*