As most of you might know, my working base is in Beirut-Lebanon. However, I need to travel between Casablanca-Morocco & Algiers-Algeria most of the time. As a result, I end up have 3 different work stations in all 3 countries.
Beirut: Technically, I'm supposed to be based in Beirut. A place that is often referred to as the "Paris of the Middle East" because of its dominance in culture, tourism, fashion, etc. Refer to my previous entry on Beirut
here and you'll understand what I mean. Anyhoo... the fact is, since I've joined the company for 10 months now, I've only been to Beirut office once (excluding the time I went for my interview back in Dec 2005). And that one time was only because I had to stay in Beirut while the company applied for my work & residence permit.
Casablanca: This was the first office (out of the 3 offices) I stepped foot on when I joined the company back in Nov 2006. Honestly, initial impression wasn't too bad. But after several instances of inhospitality from the local distributor (
they assigned a bloody Starlet which discontinued production in 1999 to us for goodness sake!), I've since been trying to cut down my visit/ support to this place.
Algiers: And now, to the "
champion office" of them all - Algiers/ Algeria office. This is where I spend more than 85% of my time.

I'm certain by now, most of my loved ones have heard me whine about the poor working conditions I've gotta put up with since I started working in North Africa. And I figured, what better way to let them understand what I truly mean then to show them photos of the places I come in contact with everyday. So here you go... presenting the much talked about, Algeria.
Pix: Within The Office Compound
Pix: At The Main Gate
Pix: Right Outside The Main Gate
This is also where I've gotta walk pass when I head out for lunch everyday. 

The kids in the final pix live in the old zinc houses right next to the wastelot.
They were yelling things like "你好!" "CHINA-CHINA!" at us (this happens a lot in Algeria btw... even the adults do that).
And finally, when we turned our backs and were abt to walk back to the office, they threw a rock at SOMETHING & hit his back! *Grrrr* 0__0