So here goes!
10-11-07 (SAT)
TOW the House Party
The day I touched down in Singapore.
On this very same day, Bro held a “Thank You Party” @ home for those who’ve supported him during his Star Search Competition. So much for resting well after a 17hrs flight from Beirut! *hahaha*
Belated Cheerleading - To make up for the competition I've missed

My Mum came up with this cheer in chinese & insisted I took a pic of it
Jo bought this sinful chocolate cake from Secret Recipe for Bro
It reads: 你是我们的最爱
12-11-07 (MON)
TOW the Babes from My Ex-Company
On this day, I met up with a couple of my ex-colleagues from TMAP for Japanese & Coffee. *yum*
My ex-colleagues are all gorgeous babes huh! >.<
(From Left: SF, LJ, myself, FS, SN, DL)
P.S. On the same day, Meiling left Singapore for Kuala Lumpur
(From Left: Mummy, myself, Meiling, Jackson, Jeneen, Andie, Desmond)
15-11-07 (THU)
TOW the Belated Bday Pressie
Met up with the girls are TPY for Japanese once again! (Yes, I am simply craving for sashimi) Jo is such a sweet girl. She actually bought me a bday gift even thou’ my bday was like a month ago.
A golden locket with black & red engravings on it. *CHIC*
17-11-07 (SAT)
TOW the Family Reunion
My family members have extremely busy schedules. So after one week since I returned to Singapore, we finally found some time to sit down together for a nice dinner @ Margarita’s in Dempsey Hill. I’ll have to say, Dempsey Hill has changed so much over the past 1 year! Extremely amazing!
Margarita's Main Entrance
My Lovely Family
The spread that night which costed me SGD$245 *pricey but yummy*
All in all, I was really happy that evening *beam*
18-11-07 (SUN)
TOW the Nail Art
Alan’s youngest sis-Link, invited me over to their plan to get my nails done. She’s currently taking a Mani & Pedi course & will soon graduate in Dec. So here I am, having her practice on my nails! Very soon, I’ll be able to receive A-class Mani & Pedi sessions from her on a regular basis! *woo*
Okay, that’s all for WEEK 1. More on WEEK 2 & later WEEK 3 once I get my pictures organised! CIAO!