Back in Beirut since yesterday evening (02-12-07)... back from my vacation, back to reality.
Won't be seeing my family & friends for another 6mths or more. I'll definitely miss everyone back home, but I've decided to face the challenges ahead with a more +ve attitude.
Good luck to me on that!
Meanwhile, I still owe you guys the happenings for Week 2 & Week 3 of my home leave. So here goes . . .
WEEK 2 OF MY HOME LEAVE19-11-07TOW the Songbirds (Mon)Thou this day is supposed to be a day just for
SOMETHING & myself, we were dying to do some karaoke. Thus we decided to get the girls to join us. The more the merrier yes?! :)
Party World @ International Building

This is Us, trying to get that perfect pic with everyone in it using the timer. As u can see, everyone WAS NOT ready! *hahaha* Hilarious pic! I like~
(Me: Couldn't get in position on time, SOMETHING: Staring into space with a spastic look on his face, KK: Busy keying in the code for her next song, and only Jo was ready & posing for the cam) -___-
And finally, we got everyone ready & posing for that perfect pic . . . 
Now for a closer shot *click* - Nice!
In where I live (Lebanon/ Algeria/ Morocco), there're no Christmas lightings or there're no Christmas lightings as beautiful as the ones along Orchard road. I am so starting to appreciate the beauty of living in Singapore.
Pretty Lightings along Orchard Road

I'm a happy girl when I hang with the girls :))

And of cos, nothing beats beaming under pretty lights along good ol' Orchard Road with my guy :))

23-11-07 (Fri)
TOW the DermarollerI've always had sensitive blemish skin. And you cannot imagine the amount of $ I've invested on medication, treatment, facials, etc.
On 22-11-07 (Thu), Bro recommended me to a dermatologist who has treated a number of pple in Mediacorp and is supposedly quite effective.
The dermatologist recommended me to do a Collagen Induction therapy-
Dermaroller (
to 'force' all the toxic out, causing serious acne outbreak). Followed by Intense Pulsed Light treatment-
IPL a week later (
to control the amount of sebum produced esp. on the troubled areas).
Well, since the doc is suppose to be really good, I decided to go with his advice. And on Friday, I tried out my very first
Dermaroller treatment.
Here's how the the rolling treatment should go...
- First the face is covered with numbing cream.
- Leave on for about 20-30 mins then wipe off before the rolling begins.
- The roller is filled with tiny 1.5mm needles all round...OUCH!!!
- The 20 mins or so procedure seemed like forever under the piercing needles.
I'll have to admit, by the time half my face was done, there was a hint of regret in me for getting myself into this! *hahaha*
But of cos, the effect was worth the pain. So I'm definitely going back for more rolling good stuffs! ;))
By the end of the treatment, my entire face (except my eye area) was as red as what u see in the pic above. The look is somewhat like how one would look if they had their shades on and fell asleep under the blazing sun.
By the 2nd day, my skin was peeling. And by the 3rd day. my face was filled with acnes... :(( Thou I was warned by the doc that this would happen, I was terrified. Called the clinic a couple of times. Even made a trip down to the clinic just so the doc could see my face and verify the condition. *heh*
With this procedure, the rest of my week was history. I couldn't step out of my house in the day cos the skin is extremely sensitive and should avoid all sunlight. And I was reluctant to step out of the house in the night cos my face was all messed up -____-
Will blog about the
IPL treatment under WEEK 3, a week after the dermaroller treatment. Stay tune to read about my pain! *hahahaha*