Day 2 in Singapore! Time to spend some solid hours with my gal pals! *woo hoo*
On this day, we've decided to throw
Senorita-e a belated birthday bash since it's been a while I was able to celebrate her birthday with her . . . =)
The Whole Earth: 593, Geylang Road, located at Lor 29 and 31.
It is on the side of the Upper Changi Rd (from Eunos to Kallang), u will not miss the orange sign-board on your right side. For reservation, 68413319 . 
The birthday girl, Jo & one of the bosses Phyllis Ong
Vegetarian food can taste very yummy too!
It's always good news to see the birthday girl enjoying the food! ;)
Even a meat-eater like myself honestly loved the food too! This is definitely a place I'll be back for more!
In fact, we love the food so much that we've taken a bunch of namecards to help distribute to our family & friends!
We make very good advertiser OKAY! *hahaha*

Satisfied Customers! =D
Next stop, a surprise for our birthday girl! The birthday girl was blindfolded as we proceeded from the restaurant to the next destination. I'll have to say, she resisted initially, but eventually gave in to KK's strong hands which tied the red scarf over her eyes. The whole time shouting: "I don't like this! It's gonna spoil my eye make-up! This is so embarassing! blahx3" If u ask me, I'll say she's lovin' it! *hahahahahaa* >o<
The unwilling birthday girl @ the backseat of my Corolla Altis *hahaha*
Jo kind as always, leading the unwilling but helpless birthday girl to the destination.
I, cheeky as always,am enjoying the moment of helpless Senorita-e
As we walked towards our destination, Senorita-e had to walk pass an area filled with people having steamboat for dinner... she was sooooo stressed when she felt the heat coming from the pots and was completely confused as to where she could possibly be!
As we took the elevator to the 7th floor, she heard a few other girls in the elevator and started screaming: "Excuse me! Where am I! Where am I!" For a moment I panicked and was afraid the girls were gonna give away the location. But much to my surprise, the girls actually played along and replied: "You're at Hotel 81. I think your friends are 'selling' u!" *hahahahaa* GOOD ONE GIRLS IN THE ELEVATOR! *winks*
And when we finally arrived at the 7th floor, Jo started to help KK to light the candles and I, I was in-charge of 'taking care' of the birthday girl. 
So I happy placed Senorita-e hands against the wall and ordered: "Wait here & don't move!" and busily started snapping pictures of the helpless look on her face! *hahaha* poor thing *NOT* *hahahaha*

TADA! Finally, she was able to take off the scarf! SURPRISE & HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check out the number of candles on the cake.... DON'T COUNT! I don't wanna give away our age! *kekekeeke* We've always made it a point to place the number of candles according to our age... I wonder when that is gonna become physically impossible *shiver*

After the scarf was removed, Senorita-e was a lot more relaxed and was finally able to smile for the camera... =)

But it wasn't long before the next 'torture' came . . . the widely feared but somehow became a tradition (among us girls) BIRTHDAY KISS!!!
Check out the difference in expressions on Senorita-e's face when receiving the kiss from KK & when receiving the kiss from Jo... *hmmm*
Me?! I thought birthday kisses are too common & decided to add a twist to it . . . BIRTHDAY LICK! *WOOT* Look at her expression! She's obviously lovin' it! *hiak hiak hiak*
After singing the birthday song, cutting the cake, eating the cake, kisses, licks & photos, we were set to sing our hearts out! (Oh yes! We were at a KTV) *hee*

And finally, at the end of the KTV session... at ard 2am, Senorita-e finally found out where she was as we stepped out of the elevator to the ground floor - TOPONE KTV @ Bugis.
530 North Bridge Rd #02-01 Bugis Point ( Old Icon,Opposite Bugis Junction )
Tel: 62388198

Dunno why the weird expression on her face *shrugz*... Hey E! Hope u had an enjoyable time that night!
OH! Also, I CHALLENGE YOU to make my celebration more insecure than what you went thru! *bleh*