Guess where we were last night?

The Singapore Entertainment Awards is to honour some of the best talents in Singapore & Asia's Chinese entertainment scenes. And even thou I wasn't all too familiar with the updated Mando Pop, I was pleased to be still able to recognise some of the numbers being performed.
Various Local Artistes
(Incluing Olivia Ong; bottom right pix, performing her famous number from the drama series-The Little Nonya, 如燕)
Various Local Artistes
(Incluing Olivia Ong
JJ 林俊杰
(Didn't think he was that awesome a singer till last night's performance! Powerful voice + excellent showmanship)
Overseas Talents Who Came . . .
Raymond Lam 林峰 (HK)
(Wouldn't have known him if I had not come back to Singas & got hooked on 家好月圓...the crowd went ga-ga over him btw... & he didn't even sing -___-)