Yet another bombing incident happened in Beirut last Wednesday, 19th Sep 07.
Picture extracted from BBC News
Smoke rises in Beirut from the wreckage of a car carrying Antoine Ghanim, a Maronite Christian MP in Lebanon's anti-Syrian coalition. At least six other people were killed in the blast, which also damaged nearby buildings.
It somehow seems to me that wherever I happen to be, it’s just not safe. Bombings in Algeria, suicide bombers in Morocco, car bombings in Beirut ... ... ... etc. Er, Boss, I ain’t exactly earning millions here for me to be risking my life can. -___-SOMETHING & I were at ABC Ashrafieh watching RATATOUILLE on the 19th actually. We were kinda celebrating our 4yr 2mths of dating anniversary. ( YES! We still celebrate on a monthly basis… very juvenile I know, get over it can! =p ) Simple movie & dinner date thingy, nothing exaggerated really.

Oh! Oh! This is addressed to Alicia! Remember the book I bought you for your 23rd Bdae - "All About Me"?! I saw it at a bookstore in ABC Ashrafieh . And guess what!? They have a version called "All About Us" now! Interested? *winks*

Anyhooo, back to the bombing incident on Wednesday... it kinda earned us a day off from work on Friday as the Lebanese gathers to mourn the death of the latest political victim.
Didn’t exactly get to enjoy the long weekend as I was down with what seems like mild food contamination. But after a day’s rest, I managed to drag myself out of the cramp little studio apartment SOMETHING & I are bunking in along Hamra Street.

On 22nd Sep, Saturday, we headed down to our favourite shopping mall ABC Ashrafieh for yet another movie on the big screen! *woo Oooo*

After shopping around for a bit, we took a coffee break @ PAUL. I miss coffee frappa sooooooo much! (ice blended/ ice coffee is non-existent in Algeria)
In short - WE ARE HAPPY!!! =)
In didn't take us long before we decided to grab dinner (they don't call us The Eating Couple for no reason *hahaha*).
We tried to keep the dinner light by ordering some BBQ wings to share and a salad each. But the portions were huge and somehow we end up feel stuffed as usual. =p
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