Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I'm Not Racist! In Fact, I Might Be The Victim Here!

SOMETHING & I arrived in Beirut from Algiers on Sunday night.
And on Monday, we took the day off to do some apartment hunting cos we were instructed to relocate from Algiers to Beirut starting from this year. (Finally, some of the terms written on our contract are starting to make sense *roll eyes*)

Anyway, we shortlisted a couple of furnished apartments before we left on our biz trip to Algiers a week ago. When we re-visited one of the apartments which we had shortlisted yesterday, we encountered a pretty absurd situation with the receptionist on duty.

A bit of background story before I relate the absurd situation which happened yesterday:

> A week ago – Walked in to enquire about apartment availability. The on-duty receptionist (a friendly Muslim lady w/ head scarf in her mid-20s) showed us some of the apartments which were available and explained the costs to us.

> Yesterday – Walked in, saw a different receptionist (also a Muslim lady w/ head scarf, but she was in her late 30s or early 40s) and decided to enquire about the apartments once again.

Below was the conversation between us and the middle-age receptionist yesterday:

Us: We would like to check if you have any furnished apartments for rent.
Recep: Are you 2 married?
Us: ??? No…
Recep: Then what are you? Friends?
Us: Something like that...
Recep: Just so you know, our DIRECTOR doesn’t approve of couples who aren’t married to rent the same room.
Us: ? ? ? ? ? WTF? ? ? ? ?
Recep: It's not me... it's my DIRECTOR...
Us: ? ? ? ? ? (Thinking to selves: but we came just a 1~2 weeks ago, and the other receptionist; didn’t mention a thing about their DIRECTOR's dislikes)? ? ?
Recep: Sorry, glad to help anytime! Bye bye!
Us: ? ? ? ? ? ? (Walked out the door…) *mumbled to selves* SH*T! Absolutely RIDICULOUS!

I am not racially prejudiced. (Honestly! Cross my heart!)

But I really cannot understand how this is any of their business or how this might affect their business!? *roll eyes*

Unless they think unmarried couples who cohabit might be involved in a lot of indecent activities like weekend orgies & drugs, or have vigorous raunchy sex that might disturb the neighbours and ruin their beautiful furniture!

(-_____-) "

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