Our simple but nutritious (in our pt of view) dinner:
Steamed Chicken Breast + Steamed Mushrooms + Raw Tomatoes + Raw Yellow Capsicum
(oh... the food doesn't look too appetising in the pictures, but trust me, it was very satisfying)
p.s. the yellow casicum was extremely sweet! *yum*
p.s. the yellow casicum was extremely sweet! *yum*

Cost of living in Beirut seems to have gone up this year. We observed that most of our colleagues usually bring their own food for lunch everyday except Fridays where they tend to indulge a little and head out to some restaurants for lunch.
Now that we have a place to live and have our own kitchen, we decided to give the whole ‘bring your own lunch’ thingy a try. So last night, while preparing for dinner, we prepared the next day’s lunch as well.
Iceberg lettuce + Cherry Tomato + Yellow Capsicum + Cucumber + Smoked Turkey Breast
Well . . . I DON'T KNOW!!!
WHY? You ask . . . cos we forgot to bring it to work this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *aahahahhaahaha*
We were in such a hurry when we left the apartment this morning that we forgot to bring the lunchboxes we've packed so neatly and placed on top of the refrigerator.
Can you imagine how stupid we felt when we only realised we forgot our lunchboxes after we arrived at the office and saw our colleagues' lunchboxes!? *diaoz* -_____-
To think we even took the effort to boil an egg to add to the salad this morning... and still, we forgot all about it.
Guess there's no surprise what's for dinner tonight~
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