And the caption says "Only in India" - if the photo shows 50 people squeezing in a 4-seater truck for example?! Or "Only in China" -if the photo shows people eating rats for example?!
Well, here are some interesting photos I snapped while I was in Algeria for the past one year plus... some photos might have been posted before, but nevertheless, let us take a look at them again shall we.
May I present to you . . . "Only in Algeria".
Pic 1: Freaking Packed Beach @ La Madrague (Algiers)

Pic 2: Camel Along the Highway @ Cheraga (Algiers)
Pic 3: Stray Cat Drinking Off A Display Fountain @ Houari Boumedienne International Airport Boarding Area (Algiers)
Pic 4: Creatively Vandalised Road Sign to Remind That Particular Someone The Way Home @ Cheraga (Algiers)
Pic 5 & 6: Remake of Princess & The Pea On The Move (Blida) - at least you know it won't hurt that much if the mattresses were to fall off the truck >.<

3/6 pics' snapped on a dull day in Algeria...
Yikes ! Freakin' weird climate changes ! O_O"
[Jingle] ¤¤¤ Question the Pro ¤¤¤ [/Jingle]
I got a T10 Sony CyberShot, and i still can't manage to get such clear pics' as yours when i'm on car, even with the "High speed shutter" mode, so which digital camera do you have, Ô divine Deep-Sixed ? :P
Well actually, I'm using a very out-dated cam. with only 3.2 mega pixels and it's almost 5yrs old now. So nothing to rave abt. -____-
... *Frozen* ...
So it has defenitely nothing to do with the hardware, mine being up to 7.2 Mp.
That brings us to the out-dated and almost 27 years old user : Me ! xD
*hahaha* 27 yrs old... *hmmm*... do I know u from somewhere?
Nope, wish we had though ... é__è
I was looking for foreigners blogging about their journey in Algeria when i picked up SOMETHING's and yours a couple of months ago, since then i'm a faithful reader ! :P
Ganbatte futaritomo ! v(^o^)v
Ahhh~... I see.
So are u a fellow Singaporean also planning to visit North Africa & The Middle East some day? ;)
That could have been a possibility, but actually it's the reversed one : i'm Algerian fallen in love with Asia ! ¤__¤
Fallen in love with Asia eh...~ Well, perhaps we can all meet up in Algeria some day and exchange some interesting stories over a cup of coffee. ;)
Yep ! Sure ! :D
But ...
For being a faithful reader (remember ?), i've been told that you might be on coffee-diet, so would it be okay for you exchanging interesting stories while SOMETHING and i will be sipping thru persed lips that stimulating warm and overwhelming beverage ? ^^"
Nooooo!!! I have to have coffee! *hahaha*
Tell u what, I'll stay off coffee from now till the time we sit down for a cuppa *cross fingers behind back*... *evil grin*~
I'm confident, i know you'll keep up your word, women always do ! :P
Congratz' for the apartment, if you need some help moving in i'm just about 2500 miles further west.
Enjoy your stay in Lebanon, try not to spread more bombings meanwhile, and i hope seeing you back here soon ... even if you both don't ! xD
Buddy back-slam to SOMETHING ! ~Yeah~
The stray cat drinking from the fountain is the best!
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