SOMETHING & I are into our final 3 days in Beirut. And things have never been busier around here. We've got prepaid gym coupons to complete, finances to settle, places to visit and of cos, last min shopping to do.
SOMETHING wanted to get more books before he returns to SIN cos it's a whole lot cheaper here. And I had a list of stuffs to get also cos it's a whole lot cheaper here; from medication, to PJs from La Senza, to new blings to pimp my naval.
As I mentioned in my previous entry, I was in search of a replacement "Ball" for my pretty turquoise barbell and probably a new naval jewellery.
I've walked pass this particular shop (situated between Hamra & Bliss Street) that sells all sorta jewellery for body piercings several times in the past, but have never found a reason to walk in till today.
I found a perfect ball to match the gem on my barbell! (For only 5,000LL equivalent to 3USD)
The Barbell Is Whole Again!

This crazily pretty pink dangling Ys naval bling !
(For only 20,000LL equivalent to 13USD)

I'm so in luv w/ it right now!!!
Ladies, tell me u don't totally heart it?!

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