So, where to after I left Istanbul?
Well, since it was still not possible to return to Beirut at that time (mid-May), the company instructed SOMETHING & I to head to Casablanca, apply for Algerian visa, then go to Algiers to wait out till the situation in Beirut gets better. (Which of cos didn't turn out as plan cos the crisis in Beirut cleared up by the end of May, so I end up staying in Casablanca for 2 weeks then headed on back to Beirut)
During the 2 weeks stay in Casablanca, SOMETHING & I obviously haven't gotten over our "vacation mode", so we decided to make a road trip up to Tangier over the weekend (160508~180508) together with our colleague & his wife.
A city @ the northern point of Morocco, just below Spain
Shortly after we got back to our hotel from the Casablanca office, we packed our clothes & toiletries into a small backpack, picked up 4 burgers from the nearby Mac Donalds, and we were off on our road trip to Tangier! :D
It took around 4hrs drive from Casablanca to Tangier, plus 20mins or so of getting lost within Tangier city while looking for the hotel. By the time we arrived and checked-in to our rooms, it was already way pass midnight.
Our Hotel in Tangier for 2N
Looks very old & dingy right? Can you imagine this is suppose to be a 5 star hotel and we're charged around 100USD/ night (supposedly a corporate rate) ?!!?!
VIEW FROM THE BALCONY@ least the view from the room is nice, so no complains

On the way to Cape Spartel we stopped @ this beautiful beach, apparently, this is where the Mediterranean Ocean meets the Atlantic Ocean.

Everything's So BLUE!

That's was our RIDE... 
Nah... just kidding, this was our real RIDE! *bleh*

Too bad we weren't able to enter Cape Spartel . . . no idea why cos non of us were able to read the sign which was in Arabic! *hahaha*
There was only one restaurant around that area - CAPE SPARTEL RESTAURANT
How original -___-

Food wasn't nice and was way over-priced, but the view was amazing.
Seafood Soup
Grilled Calamari
Grilled Sardines
LtoR: Karla & Felix (Our Salvadorian Travel Mates) + SOMETHING
A random pic from the streets to further emphasize SOMETHING & his obsession with farm animals. (There's a whole bunch of pix with close-ups of these goats but I refuse to post them all!)
'Socco' is a just a spanish word for 'souk' or 'market'. It's called Grand Socco in Tangier becos of its Spanish heritage.

A narrow street within the souk

Traditional handmade Moroccan colourful
Ahh... Moroccan pottery!
If only I have enough luggage space to carry them all!